Horizon Zero Dawn Trophy Guide is covered here. How to get all the Trophies and information about them is listed.
Trophy Guide
Welcome to the Horizon Zero Dawn Trophy Guide. This game is a straightforward game to platinum, as there aren’t any difficulty related trophies, and most of the trophies are for completing all types of activities and finding all the collectibles.
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Offline trophies: 56 (48 Bronze, 5 Silver, 2 Gold, 1 Platinum)
- Online trophies: 0
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40-50 hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No. You can complete everything on Easy
This is your preliminary roadmap before checking the trophies off your list:
- Complete all Main missions in the campaign till you reach the final mission: For efficiency, you should focus on completing all main missions, till you get to the final mission called Looming Shadow. Most of the main missions aren’t too difficult, and just by playing the game you should unlock other miscellaneous trophies along the way.
- Collect all 5 Power Cells and Unlock the Shield-Weaver Outfit: There are 5 Power Cells in the game. Finding all 5 will help you in unlocking the Shield-Weaver outfit, which is an extremely powerful outfit. It negates all type of damage as long the suit flashes blue. You only take damage when the suit flashes red, at which point you can hide till its energy regenerates. This suit should help for the final mission and side missions.
- Do all side content in the game, get all collectibles, and gather all allies for the final battle: In this step, you want to focus on doing all side missions, errands, overriding all Tallnecks, beating all cauldrons, clearing all corruption zones, and clearing all bandit camps. You should also collect all metal flowers, banuk figures, ancient vessels, vantage datapoints, and destroy all 23 training grazer dummies.
- Finish the final mission and beat the Campaign: With all other side content finished in the game, you can beat the final mission and finish the campaign of the game.
- Mop Up: If for any instance you still have miscellaneous trophies left, or other trophies that you still need to work towards, now would be time. Mop up and attain your new shiny Platinum Trophy
Obtained all Horizon Zero Dawn trophies.
Unlock all other trophies to get your shiny new platinum trophy
Stealth killed 10 machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.
You need the Silent Strike skill from the Prowler skill tree. It costs 1 skill point to unlock. Once unlocked, you can sneak up behind enemies and kill them stealthily, or hide in tall grass and whistle to them. When they get close to you, kill them with the silent strike. Kill 10 enemies to get this trophy. This can be done at the start of the game on weak enemies, such as the Watchers.
Strikes From Above
Killed 3 enemies using the Strike from Above skill.
You need the Strike from Above skill from the Prowler skill tree. It costs 2 skill points along with already purchasing the Silent Strike skill. You can kill enemies that are below you by using this kill. Works well against Humans and Watchers. You can use rocks to get them into a suitable position, and then you can strike them. Do it 3 times to unlock this trophy
Tore off 10 components
Detached 10 components from machines during combat.
Many larger machines have certain combat components attached to their bodies. When you do enough tear damage to these components, they will tear off the bodies of these machines. Make sure to use focus scan (R3 button) to know which components can be hit and torn off. The easiest way to get components off machines is to use Tearblast arrows from the Sharpshot bows. These arrows tear off any component regardless of the enemy size or health it has. You’ll probably get this trophy by just playing the game, as you’ll encounter many enemies during your campaign.
Vulnerable machine kills
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen.
You get this trophy by applying the burning or freeze status on enemies that are weak to that status, and then killing them while that status effect is still in place. When they are burning, you can see the machines jumping up and down with fire on their bodies. When frozen, their entire body is covered in ice, and the machine moves slower and you’ll be able to do more damage on their entire body.
Using fire arrows are recommended for applying the burn status, and Freeze bombs from Shadow Slings are recommended for applying the freeze status. Also once these statuses are applied on enemies, there will be a counter showing how much time they will be burning. Once the status is in effect, use other stronger ammo types to kill the machines quickly before the status effect wears off.
Enemies weak to Fire (according to the in game notebook):
- Sawtooths
- Glinthawks
- Corruptors
- Ravagers
- Snapmaws
- Corrupted Machines
Enemies weak to Freeze (according to the in game notebook):
- Tramplers
- Fire Bellowbacks
- Rockbreakers
- Corrupted Rockbreakers
In the final mission, you’ll be using the Oseram Cannon weapon for a set period of time. You’ll be up against many machines, and so this is a perfect area to get this trophy as the weapon will burn enemies. However, you’ll most likely already have the trophy before you get to this part.
Tore off 5 heavy weapons
Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat.
Larger machines in the game have heavy weapons attached to their bodies. Thunderjaws are the most common ones. They have two Disc Cannons attached to their backs, and one Tearblast arrow from the Sharpshot Bow should detach the heavy weapons. You can buy Sharpshot Bows at most merchants when you reach the desert region. Thunderjaws are the best enemy type to farm this trophy on.
Headshot 30 human enemies
Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them.
Most human enemies die in one headshot with a normal arrow. The ones that wear armor and helmets will need 2-3 shots. Using Concentration (R3 button while aiming the bow) skill is very helpful for this trophy as you can slow down time and aim precisely for headshots. It costs 1 skill point, and is found in the Brave skill tree. This should come naturally if you want to stealth most of the bandit camps.
Downed 23 Grazer dummies
Found and knocked over all of the Grazer training dummies in the Nora region.
There are a total of 23 Grazer training dummies located all around the Nora Region (starting region). They are all located in settlements and camps. So you do not have to worry about searching for them in the open world or campfires.
List of locations that have Grazer dummies:
- Rost’s House (starting point for grown up Aloy) – 7 dummies
- Mother’s Watch – 2 dummies
- Mother’s Cradle – 2 dummies
- Mother’s Heart – 2 dummies
- Mother’s Rise – 2 dummies
- Nora Hunting Grounds – 2 dummies
- Mother’s Crown – 2 dummies
- Devil’s Thirst Camp (formerly a bandit camp) – 1 dummy
- Hunter’s Gathering – 2 dummies
- Two Teeth (formerly a bandit camp) – 1 dummy
First Modification
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.
Weapon Coils and Outfit Weaves are modifications for your weapons and outfits. These mods are can be looted from enemies or can be bought from merchants. Tougher and larger enemies drop more than one mod sometimes. You can find these mods in the Modification section of the inventory menu.
To get this trophy, go to the crafting menu and attach mod to either a weapon or outfit to unlock this trophy. Some mods are weapon specific, so if you have one for a weapon you don’t have, wait till you get that weapon to use it on.
Reached level 10
Reached player level 10.
See trophy Reached Level 50
Reached level 25
Reached player level 25.
See trophy Reached Level 50
Reached level 40
Reached player level 40.
See trophy Reached Level 50
Reached level 50
Reached player level 50.
In order to level up, you need experience points. Experience can be attained by doing missions, and killing enemies.
Reaching level 50 is really easy in this game, and you’ll reach this level before getting your other final few trophies for the game. Farming to level 50 isn’t really required.
If you’ve done everything else and for some reason you’re not level 50, you can farm large machines for experience or use this exploit to get 10000 exp/2 mins:
All Skills learned
Learned all available skills.
The game features a total of 36 skills. You get skill points each time you level up, finish specific side missions, and other side content in the game. You get more skill points than you need to unlock everything, so you should be able to unlock all skills by just completing all content in the game and leveling up. Once you buy your last skill, this trophy should unlock.
7 types of machine overridden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 7 different types of machine.
You unlock the ability to override machines in a main mission. From then on, you can unlock new overrides from completing Cauldron, which are dungeons in this game. Cauldrons appear on the world map as a triangle symbol, and can be seen on the map after overriding Tallnecks roaming the surrounding region. There’s a total of 4 Cauldrons. Complete them all, and then use your new override upgrades to override 7 different types of machines.
All Acquisition machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.
See trophy All Machines Catalogued
All Recon machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.
See trophy All Machines Catalogued
All Combat machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
See trophy All Machines Catalogued
All Transport machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.
See trophy All Machines Catalogued
First Tallneck Overridden
Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information.
See trophy All Tallnecks Overridden
First Bandit Camp cleared
Took back a settlement from a bandit clan.
See trophy All Bandit Camps Cleared
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information.
See trophy All Cores Overridden
All Suns at one Ground
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
See trophy Blazing Suns at all grounds
Blazing Suns at one Ground
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
See trophy Blazing Suns at all grounds
First Corrupted Zone cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in a Corrupted Zone.
See trophy All Corrupted Zones Cleared
All Tallnecks Overridden
Scaled all of the Tallnecks and accessed their information.
There are 5 Tallnecks in the game. They are the largest machines and are mobile synchronization points akin to Assassin’s Creed synchronization points on towers. Once overridden, the fog on your map for that specific region will disappear and will show all locations of settlements, machine locations, bandit camps, corrupted zones, and cauldron locations.
The first one is introduced when you are doing a main mission, the others will be located on you map. You can choose to run to them, scale them and override them to open up all the regions of the map. But some Tallnecks are at the farther ends of the maps which will feature higher levels enemies that will OHKO (one hit KO) you. So it’s your decision if you’d like to do it early in the game.
Refer to this video for the location of all Tallnecks and how to climb them:
Cleared all the Bandit Camps
Took back all settlements from the bandit clans.
There are a total of 6 bandit camps, and will be marked by a blue skull with crossbones icon on the map after you have overridden Tallnecks within the surrounding region. In order to clear the bandit camps, you have to kill all the enemies. There is an NPC called Nil, who will help you if you talk to him. Just stealth through these camps and kill the enemies with headshots and stealth strikes. Once you beat the final bandit camp and clear it, the trophy will unlock.
All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed the information within.
Cauldrons are basically this game’s version of dungeons. They usually feature high level enemies, very intricate architecture to traverse through, and will reward you with override upgrades each time you clear them. There are a total of 4 Cauldrons, and they are marked by a blue triangle icon on you map after you have overridden the Tallnecks within the surrounding region.
These Cauldrons are called:
- Cauldron Sigma – unlocks upgrades for Scrappers, Sawtooths, Grazers, and Lancehorns
- Cauldron Rho – unlocks upgrades for Tramplers, Shell Walkers, Longlegs, Snapmaws, and Ravagers
- Cauldron Zeta – unloacks upgrades for Stormbirds, Thunderjaws, and Rockbreakers
- Cauldron XI – unlocks upgrades for Glinthawks, Bellowbacks (Fire and Freeze), Stalkers, and Behemoths
Here is a video showing the locations of these cauldrons along with their entrances:
All Suns at all Grounds
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.
See trophy Blazing Suns at all grounds
Blazing Suns at all Grounds
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.
In this game, there are challenges in the form of Hunter trials. There are a total of 5 different Hunter Trial locations, and each location has 3 different trials adding to a total of 15 unique trials. Hunter Trial Grounds are marked with a blue Bow and arrow icon on the map, after you have overridden Tallnecks within the surrounding region. You have to get the highest score in all of these trials to earn Blazing marks in all of them to get this trophy. Getting Blazing marks on all trials also unlocks other trophies tied to trials.
These trials are all time based, so the faster you finish the trial, the higher the mark you’ll get. But you have plenty of time to finish with Blazing Sun marks. The trials aren’t too difficult. Some can be annoying, and that’s pretty much it.
In the final Hunter Trial ground location, the Ravager Control Trial requires you to have the override upgrade to override a Ravager. You need to complete Cauldron Rho to get this override. Refer to trophy All Cores overridden for more info.
Here is a video showing all locations of the Hunter grounds:
Here is a video showing how to achieve Blazing Sun marks in all Trials:
All Corrupted Zones cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in every Corrupted Zone.
In this game there are a total of 11 corrupted zones, and they are marked by a white circle with a cross mark icon on the map after overriding Tallnecks within the surrounding region. You have to kill all corrupted machines in this region to clear the zone. The corrupted enemies are stronger versions of machines, have more health, hit harder, and inflict Corruption status on you. Corruption slows you down, so you can’t run. After you clear the final zone, you’ll unlock the trophy.
All machines catalogued
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.
There are a total of 26 different enemy machines in this game. In order to get this trophy you have to scan every machine in the game using focus.
You can check which machines you’ve scanned in the in game notebook. Right after you scan a unique new enemy type, kill it for trophies involving the killing of the machines of a specific type. The game doesn’t tell you which enemy belongs to which category of machines, so you’ll just have to kill the new enemy machine types as you scan them.
Here is a database of all the machine enemies.
Here is a video of all the locations of these 26 machines, and easiest ways to killing them:
First Vantage found
Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint.
See trophy All Vantages found
First Metal Flower found
Discovered a strange metal flower.
See trophy All Metal Flowers found
First Banuk Figure found
Found a wooden effigy left by a Banuk traveler.
See trophy All Banuk Figures found
First Ancient Vessel found
Found an ancient vessel once used by the Old Ones.
See trophy All Ancient Vessels found
All Vantages found
Found and accessed all of the Vantage datapoints.
There are 12 vantage datapoints in the game. You can buy maps from specific merchants to show the locations of these vantage datapoints on the world map. They are marked with a white eye icon.
Here is a video of all 12 vantage datapoint locations:
Here are videos showing where to get the maps for all collectibles to show up on the map:
All Metal Flowers found
Found all of the Metal Flowers.
There are 30 metal flowers in the game. You can buy maps from specific merchants to show the locations of these metal flowers on the world map. They are marked with a white flower icon.
Here is a video of all 30 metal flower locations:
Here are videos showing where to get the maps for all collectibles to show up on the map:
All Banuk Figures found
Found all of Arnak’s figures.
There are 6 Banuk figures in the game. You can buy maps from specific merchants to show the locations of these Banuk figures on the world map. They are marked with a white deer icon.
Here is a video of all 6 Banuk figure locations:
Here are videos showing where to get the maps for all collectibles to show up on the map:
All Ancient Vessels found
Found all the Ancient Vessels.
There are 12 Ancient Vessels in the game. You can buy maps from specific merchants to show the locations of these ancient vessels on the world map. They are marked with a white mug icon.
Here is a video of all 12 ancient vessel locations:
Here are videos showing where to get the maps for all collectibles to show up on the map:
Got the Shield-Weaver outfit
Recovered an ancient technology and put it to use.
In order to get this trophy, you have to find 5 power cells in the game, bring it to the Ancient Armory, and unlock the Shield-Weaver outfit.
The locations of the 5 Power Cells include:
- Ruins (in Free Roam): These are the ruins where young Aloy first falls into at the start of the game. Since she’s all grown up now, she can use her spear to open the door and grab the power cell and start the Ancient Armory side quest.
- All Mother (Main Quest: The Womb of the Mountain of in Free Roam at the end of the game): It’s in one of the rooms, accessed by crawling into a ventilation shaft. You can grab it during the main mission, or at the end of the game in Free roam before the final mission.
- Maker’s End (Main Quest: Maker’s End or in Free Roam after the mission): It’s at the very top of the tower on the 12th floor. You can grab it during the main mission or in free roam alter beating the mission
- The Grave Hoard (Main Quest: The Grave Hoard or in free roam after the mission): It’s located in the third floor, and you can grab it after solving the ring puzzles to open the door to its location. This ring puzzle and door is part of story progression, so you can’t miss it. If you do miss it, you can come back after the mission is over.
- GAIA Prime (Main mission: The Mountain that fell or in free roam after the mission): It’s located on the 3rd floor right before you have to rappel down at the beginning of the mission. Before you do rappel down, turn left and fall down to the rocks to a hidden room with this power cell. You can come back to this area if you miss it.
Here is a video of all the locations of the power cells, along with the location of the Shield-Weaver outfit:
The Shield-Weaver outfit is really powerful and nearly breaks the game, as you are invincible as long as the outfit flashes blue. Once it starts flashing red, you will take damage and will have to wait till it regenerates. It negates all type of damage, including fall damage as long as it flashes blue.
Followed Rost’s teachings
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost.
Defeated the Sawtooth
Defeated the Sawtooth that threatened the Nora.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Triumphed in the Proving
Overcame adversity and placed first in the Proving.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Fought back the corruption
Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable..
Learned of the ancient past
Learned of the ancient past at Maker’s End.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Crashed the Eclipse network
Infiltrated the Eclipse battle camp and crashed their network.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Discovered the truth
Discovered the truth of Zero Dawn.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Broke the siege of All-Mother
Defeated the invaders and went inside the sacred mountain.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Recovered a powerful weapon
Explored the Mountain That Fell and recovered a powerful weapon.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
All allies joined
Given Aloy’s actions, all possible optional allies joined the defense.
In order to get this trophy you need all 13 possible allies to come and aid you in the final fight.
Play until the final main mission of the game which is called The Looming Shadow. Do not start this mission. Instead go and finish all side content in the game.
The 11 side missions you want to specifically finish are:
- A Moment’s Peace
- A Daughter’s Vengeance
- Sun and Shadow
- Honor the Fallen
- Sunstone Rock
- Traitor’s Bounty
- Queen’s Gambit
- Hunting for the Lodge
- Hunter’s Blind
- Deadliest Game
- Redmaw
Once all these side quests are completed, go and start the final mission. You are given optional objectives to go talk to all your allies that have come to help you out. Go and talk to them. Once you have spoken to all of them, go to sleep and the trophy should unlock in the cutscene.
The names of all the Allies you that need to be present:
Dialogue choices do not affect this trophy, so play and choose whichever dialogue choice you’d like. Killing Nil in the side mission Cause for Concern does not affect the trophy as well.
Ended the war machine threat
Ended the threat of the ancient war machines.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Victorious with the War-Chief
Found the Nora War-Chief and defeated the killers in the Ring of Metal.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Saved Meridian from its foe
Helped Erend investigate Ersa’s fate, and foiled a plot against Meridian.
Story-related trophy from a main mission, and is unmissable.
Aided the defectors
Aided the escapes of Uthid and the child king Itamen from the Shadow Carja.
This trophy is unlocked by finishing the side missions Traitor’s Bounty and Queen’s Gambit. Traitor’s Bounty unlocks automatically during a main mission. Completing Traitor’s Bounty unlock the Queen’s Gambit side mission. Once both missions are completed this trophy will unlock.
Hunted Redmaw with Talanah
Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw.
In order to unlock this trophy, you have to complete 4 side missions, culminating in a cool fight against a very resilient Thunderjaw.
The Side missions you have to beat in order are:
- Hunting for the Lodge – This side mission starts as soon as you go to any Hunter trial grounds and talk to the trial giver.
- Hunter’s Blind – unlocks after finishing the previous one
- Deadliest Game – unlocks after finishing the previous one
- Redmaw – unlocks after finishing the previous one
Once all these missions are complete, go to the Hunter’s Lodge and talk to Talanah. This should unlock this trophy.
That’s a wrap for Horizon Zero Dawn’s trophy guide! Good luck on your trophy collecting adventures, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself along the way. If you have your own tips to share, please do so in the comments!
- Anonymous
how did out of all the important guides that can exist here, the most useless trophy guide is the most comprehensive