Ammo in Horizon Zero Dawn cover the different ammunition that can be used on Weapons. Arrows & Bombs deal different type of damage depending on their type and can be combined into Ammo Packs. You can find detailed information on what they do and how to acquire them below.
All Ammo in Horizon Zero Dawn
Name |
Description |
Low impact damage and low tear on impact. |
Medium impact damage and high tear on impact. |
Low damage but removes parts with high positions. |
Low shock damage and medium shock severity on impact |
Low fire damage over time and medium fire severity on impact. |
Low freeze damage over time and medium freeze severity on impact. |
High impact damage and medium tear on impact. |
Inflicts huge tear damage. |
Deals no damage. Enemies become corrupted, causing hostility to other machines. |
Name |
Description |
Deals no damage when tripped, but can instantly stun several enemies at once, inflicting the highest base Shock severity. |
Explodes upon activation and set ablaze multiple enemies in proximity. |
Goes off on enemies' proximity, dealing high explosive damage. |
Name |
Description |
Allows you to tie machine enemies for 90 seconds. |
Allows you to tie machine enemies down for 90 seconds with fewer shots than using Tie Rope Light |
Allows you to tie machine enemies down for 90 seconds with the least shots. |
Name |
Description |
Deals medium Shock Damage and high Shock Severity on impact. |
Deals medium Fire Damage and high Fire Severity on impact. |
High Explosive Damage on impact. |
Deals medium Freeze Damage and high Freeze Severity on impact. |
Very high Explosive Damage. Detonates after five seconds. |
Detonates when approached by enemies, dealing medium Explosive Damage in a wide area of effect. |
Name |
Description |
Fires in 5 bolt bursts, each bolt dealing low impact Damage and low Tear on impact |
Fires in 5 bolt bursts, each bolt dealing low Shock Damage and low Shock Severity on impact. |
Fires in 5-bolts, each bold dealing low Freeze damage and low Freeze severity on impact |
it is a hunter arrow but slower to drawback and does a hella ton dammage